Is there more flies than last year?

Is there more flies than last year?

Flies are back! Is it just us? Or are they more in number this year?

Flies, horseflies, ticks: there are more insects this year!

Every year it's the same story. the flies are back! Every summer it seems that there are more insects than the previous one. Our horses, ponies, donkeys... are prime targets for these seasonal invaders. these seasonal invaders. But some of them live these repeated attacks much worse than others...

More flies this year, really?

cheval attaqué par une nuée de mouches en été

Let's take the example of flies. We know that flies reproduce and lay their eggs in places that are rich in food for their larvae. They choose places that are preferably unappetizing in order to discourage predators (carrion, excrement, etc.). The newly born larvae find food and nutrients to ensure their growth.

Finally, it is not so surprising that stables attract them so much. Stagnant water, boxes, manure pits, dung in the paddocks: it's Disneyland for flies!

Getting rid of the insects: what are the solutions?

Insecticides, electric rackets, adopting an army of chameleons... the solutions are many and varied.

Unfortunately, chameleons do not live well in our latitudes. They are therefore not a viable solution in the long term... (And that's a real shame, if you ask us!) )

This is probably why insecticide products have been the number-one choice for many years.

Their manufacture is highly regulated. They are designed to be both effective and to have the least possible impact on vertebrate organisms.

If insecticides are designed to be effective, why do we still feel like we are being invaded by insects?

In nature, the most resiliant individuals... survive! This is the concept of natural selection.

Therefore, when the entire population vulnerable to an insecticide is decimated, only the population resilient to this product remain. This resilient population will reproduce. They then transmit on to the next generation the gene that enabled them to survive the molecule or formula of the insect repellent used.

This creates entire populations of insects that are highly resistant to traditional insecticides. .

In conclusion:

There are not more insects every year: they are simply dying less! And it is (among other things) this decrease in insect mortality that gives the impression that they are more aggressive, more voracious, more numerous...

Horses, which are a source of food for them (whether through dung or directly through their body fluids such as blood or sweat), are ideal targets for Culicoides, louse flies, ticks and other horseflies.

In some regions, not only are the new generations of insects more resistant, but the population of natural predators (birds, field mice, bats, larger insects...) is not sufficient to maintain a normal balance in the ecosystem.

Prevention and protection of our horses is no longer enough to ensure that they are spared from the swarms of insects. It becomes necessary to enter into a more or less intense care protocol.

What if it is too late?

Stings, bites, scratching (sometimes with blood) are common results of insect attacks. To relieve horses and help them regain a better skin condition, we have formulated Derfen Original Creamthe DOC'). It is suitable for all skin types. Thick, waxy and fragrant, it repels insects from affected areas, calms scratching sensations and repairs the skin. It can be used on demand (when the horse scratches or is damaged) and lasts for several days in a row.

When prevention is not enough, don't panic. DOC's still there!

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